e-Zee helps ARAG to eTrade
e-Zee is pleased to have recently assisted ARAG PLC get ready for e-Trade on the Acturis platform. For their initial rollout ARAG will offer e-Trade for Commercial and Property Owners Legal Expenses, Family Legal and Home Emergency. e-Zee worked with both ARAG and Acturis to facilitate a smooth negotiation followed by the specification of requirements ready for the actual builds. These products will be available in the spring this year. Matt Warren, UK Sales Manager for ARAG, commented that the process was far smoother than anticipated with a great commercial outcome and a solid plan for new distribution options. Matt knows both their existing and new customers will really benefit from trading these products electronically.
Kevin Child from e-Zee believes this is absolutely the right strategy as brokers trade more and more electronically and expect add-on products to be traded seamlessly using the same processes.
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